5 Things Your Photographer Wants You to Know
1. We’re Just as Nervous as You
When ever I have a photo session no matter if we have met or not I always get butterflies. Something about the excitement combined with the pressure to deliver you amazing photographs that can last you a lifetime. I want to make sure I capture each incredible moment in the perfect way so my brain is always going! So if you feel nervous too, know it’s okay and COMPLETELY normal.
2. Expect Your Images to Look Similar to Our Portfolio
Of course your images will be of you and the location you agree to but expect the quality and editing style to be the same. I have specific edits that I apply to my images so that they are consistent and you know EXACTLY what to expect of me. After all, you likely hired me because you saw and liked my type of work on Facebook or another source.
3. Don’t Forget to Relax
Having your picture taken should be enjoyable not painful. Mama’s, if your kiddos are acting up or being cray, take a deep breath. Don’t reprimand your kids as this will likely trigger moods even more, try to give compliments and encouragement to help keep spirits up. I typically come with a couple game ideas to help lighten things but that means I need your help on keeping things relaxed too 😉 If a mood turns into something more serious such as a full meltdown or inappropriate behavior then I will completely understand if a break from the session needs to happen. However, in most cases positive reinforcement and a little game works wonders!
4. The big ‘P’…Pricing
Yes, I know those numbers you see next to your session details can be hard to swallow but think of it as an investment. It’s not every day that you get to dress up and have pictures taken with something other than a phone. Refer to #7, I spend so much time working on your images to make them perfect for you to cherish forever. I also need to pay for things such as equipment, software, taxes, props, gas, as well as spending time on education all to serve you in the best possible way. So please don’t make fun of pricing. I understand that I may not be in your budget but know that I have spent time gathering information to very specifically put together my pricing to ensure that I can afford to stay in business and keep serving amazing clients like you!
5. We LOVE to Hear Your Feedback
Hopefully you will be ecstatic when you receive your gallery and will go about downloading and hopefully printing your images. Because I deliver galleries online I miss out on the reaction when you see your images for the first time which is a bit of a bummer so don’t be afraid to email me to share your excitement or better yet, leave me an online review. I absolutely LOVE reading happy client reviews and it makes me so excited that I was able to capture such perfect memories for them.